Whether you are moving into a home with a fireplace or moving out of one (or both), scheduling an inspection with a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep is a must. Now, if you already have your home inspection completed, you may be wondering if this extra step is actually necessary. After all, don’t home inspectors cover the chimney in their overview?
Well, while they are known to check any easily accessible parts of the structure and do a quick look of the system as a whole, their analysis is unfortunately not as in-depth as it should be. Because of this, getting a more accurate perception of the fireplace and chimney is very important before making any final commitments.
Learn more about what a level two inspection fully entails, then rely on our crew to give you the top-notch, high-quality results you deserve. We’re happy to have your back throughout every step of this process.
Why Level Two Inspections Are Required
The most basic inspection is a level 1 inspection, which offers a basic overview of the system. The sweep will basically look over all the parts that they can easily see and examine, and they’ll check for obstructions and overall structural soundness. This inspection does not give a guarantee as to the soundness of all the different chimney components.
Now, there are other instances with a closer look will be needed, and that’s where level 2 inspections come in. These are performed after a natural disaster (such as a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, etc.), after a change in fuel type, after reconstruction work, or if you have undergone a chimney fire. And finally – you guessed – they are required before the transfer of property. All of these reasons are stated in the NFPA code 211 codebook.
Why are these such a necessity? Well, think of it this way. If you were moving into a new home, would you want to find out weeks later that hundreds, or possibly even thousands, of dollars of necessary repair or reconstruction work is required before using your fireplace? A lot of times, more extensive damage is surprisingly well hidden inside the flue, so a quick overview won’t reveal any major issues.
Investing in a level two inspection before making any final decisions ensures you are able to either incorporate the cost of chimney repairs and maintenance into the cost of the home or simply choose a different home entirely that does not have as many issues to deal with. In some cases with certain types of damage, the existing homeowner’s insurance will cover the repair but not after the home changes hands. Or, best-case scenario: the inspection will reveal no problems allowing you to feel good about your new investment! All in all, it’s the right route to take and it’s a step you’ll be happy you made in the end.
What Does This Service Entail?
So, once you get your level 2 inspection booked, here’s what you can expect from your sweep. First of all, it is highly recommended that you hire an expert that is CSIA certified, as this means they have gone through extensive training and testing to become as knowledgeable as possible. The CSIA sets the standard when it comes to keeping sweeps fully educated, and any company that strives to do the best it can for its customers will ensure their crew earns and maintains this certification.
Once a qualified technician is on the job, they will do everything required in a level 1 inspection, then will use camera equipment to get a comprehensive overview of the inside of your flue, as well. This will verify that the flue liner is in good shape, that the brickwork is still sturdy, and that no hidden obstructions or build-up are wreaking havoc.
Wondering if demolition work will be performed? Don’t stress. A level two inspection is merely a closer look at your system. The removal of parts or destruction of your structure is only done when a level three inspection is performed, and this is only recommended in more extreme circumstances where the problem cannot be uncovered using basic methods.
Once the inspection is complete, the sweep can provide you with an accurate update and let you know what the next best steps to take are. All in all, it ensures all of your bases are covered, and that everyone knows what they are getting into before investing in a new property. If you’ve regularly used and maintained your fireplace and invested in repair or sweeping services whenever suggested by your chimney company, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about!
Sleep Easy Chimney Is The Crew To Rely On
Why are we the ones to hire for any chimney-related service you require? First of all, we take education very seriously, and we work with the CSIA, the NFPA, and the NCSG to ensure we stay up-to-date and well-informed on any and all of the latest industry news. If there is a new piece of technology or improved performance technique, we are sure to know about it!
Along with this, we use only the best tools and products, and we pride ourselves on treating you and your home with the respect and professionalism you deserve. When you hire us to perform your level 2 inspection, you can bet you’ll get the accurate and honest assessment you are hoping for. Ready to get started? Reach out today!
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